What a beautiful encounter !
Earlier this year, Mr and Mrs LEO have contacted our Association. Very affected by the episode of the Way of the School of Franklyn and Olivier, they have expressed a strong desire to support the childrens.
We contacted them, and in all transparency, the detailed budget of the costs of their education -Price of schooling (that is the word used to Mada for school fees), school supplies, uniforms – and also expenditure necessary to improve the comfort of their small hut where they live alone all week -Purchase a mattress, sheets, kitchen equipment, solar lamp etc …. not to mention some new clothes and shoes and a pot for food.
The partnership that we signed in February 2016 with the Association Les Enfants du Soleil, based in Madagascar -association which helps abandoned children- allows us to send donations safely: Les Enfants du Soleil communicates to us every quarter news of Franklyn and Olivier and their families they visit them, speak with the school principal, establish contact with the family. This local relay is essential for us and allows us to pass on to their Godfather and Godmother.
It is with great emotion that we received the first letters of Franklyn, Olivier, their dad, indicating how this assistance was timely and properly used.
Mr and Mrs LEO address their letters, pictures of their family and are very happy with this sponsorship. A big thank you to them !